SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading


Once upon a time HTTP (non-SSL) sites were the norm except for the banks and other such organisations.

Most of my blogs were running without SSL encryption.

But later Google search prioritized websites with SSL encryption and Chrome started to give ‘warning’ messages on websites without SSL.

These changes made a widespread adaptation of the SSL encryption on all types of websites including personal blogs.

However, adding SSL encryption to websites costs money.

OpenSSL provides the free SSL solution to the webmasters. This is how OpenSSL became popular.

SSL encryption adds security to the websites. However, as with any complex technology, errors can occur.

One such error is the “SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading).”

This article aims to provide a detailed explanation of this error, its significance, and practical solutions for various scenarios that cause this error.

See also: Fix SSL error “unexpected eof while reading” on the same server as the request source

Detailed Explanation of the Error:

The error message “SSL_read() failed” signifies that an issue occurred during the SSL/TLS data reading process. SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, and its successor TLS (Transport Layer Security), are cryptographic protocols used to secure internet communications.

These protocols ensure data privacy and integrity. In the context of the error, “unexpected eof” refers to an unexpected end-of-file condition during the SSL/TLS handshake or data exchange.

Let’s see how truncation attacks happen. Truncation attacks involve an attacker prematurely ending the SSL/TLS connection.

In older OpenSSL versions like 1.1.1, such an attack would not be correctly reported. OpenSSL 3.0 and beyond reintroduced this security feature, allowing SSL_get_error() to identify such attacks correctly.

The error message helps prevent insecure connections that could expose sensitive data.

Common Use Cases:

This error can surface in various situations. While often associated with cURL in PHP, it is not limited to this scenario.

You may encounter it when using different programming languages, web servers, or interacting with APIs that rely on SSL/TLS for encryption.

The error remains consistent, but its causes and solutions can vary.

Server Configuration:

Outdated/mismatched server configuration is a potential factor contributing to this error.

The SSL/TLS settings on the server can dictate the ciphers and protocols required for successful communication.

Incorrect or mismatched settings on the server and the client side can trigger the error.

It’s vital to ensure that server configurations align with best practices for secure SSL/TLS.

Below is a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue:

Solution: Resolving SSL_read() Failed Error (SSL: error:0A000126)

Step 1: Update Software

Ensure that your software components are up to date. This includes updating your web server, PHP, and OpenSSL to their latest versions.

Step 2: Update OpenSSL Version

As of OpenSSL 3.0 and beyond, this error is correctly reported to enhance security. Make sure you are using OpenSSL 3.0 or a later version. You can update OpenSSL by following the instructions for your specific operating system.

Step 3: Update Web Server

Ensure that your web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) is also up to date. Older server versions may not handle the new OpenSSL features correctly.

Step 4: Modify cURL or Client Configuration (If Applicable)

If you are encountering this error in your PHP cURL requests, you can try modifying the cURL options. Specifically, you can set the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST options to false to disable peer verification. However, keep in mind that this approach sacrifices security.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);

Step 5: Check Cipher Suites

Ensure that the cipher suites used by your client and server are compatible. Mismatched or incompatible cipher suites can cause SSL handshake errors. You may need to adjust the allowed ciphers on your server and in your client configuration to match.

Step 6: Test and Verify

After making the necessary changes, test your application or website to verify that the error no longer occurs. Pay attention to any potential issues or vulnerabilities that might arise as a result of the changes made.

Step 7: Monitor for Future Updates

Keep an eye on updates to OpenSSL, your web server, and other software components. As technology evolves and security vulnerabilities are discovered, updates become essential. Staying up to date with the latest versions ensures that your system remains secure and functional.

Addressing this Issue on the Client-side

This error can be fixed on the client side, and as a server admin, you don’t have to fix anything with the server (especially since, in the majority of cases, it involves a 3rd-party server that functions properly.).

Update your cURL

Update your Ubuntu version or cURL if you are using older.


apt remove curl
apt purge curl
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libssl-dev autoconf libtool make
cd /usr/local/src
cd curl-7.88.1
./configure --with-ssl 
sudo make install
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/curl /usr/bin/curl
sudo ldconfig
curl -V

You can update all my packages on the server and it will fix the problem.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Security Implications:

Modifying SSL/TLS settings, ciphers, or protocols should be undertaken with great care. Security is a paramount concern.

In the quest to resolve the error, inadvertently weakening security can lead to more significant vulnerabilities.

Emphasize the importance of maintaining secure SSL/TLS configurations throughout the troubleshooting process.

Testing and Verification:

Online SSL certificate Test tools:


Compatibility and Future-Proofing:

As technology evolves, software versions change, and security best practices adapt.

Users should understand that the solution provided addresses the error for the current environment.

Stress the importance of staying up to date with the latest software versions and security practices. What works today may require adjustments in the future.


I hope you have fixed the SSL error of the OpenSSL. If you have faced any issues or other bugs then please report us below.

Resolving the “SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126)” error involves updating software components and ensuring compatibility between the client and server configurations.

While making the necessary adjustments, it’s crucial to maintain security and be prepared for future updates and changes in the software environment.

If you are facing any other issues, please tell us in the comments.

Resources for Further Reading:

  1. SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading) · Openssl · Publisher/Source: GitHub
  2. How to Manually Update Curl on Ubuntu Server? | Publisher/Source: Medium

In conclusion, the “SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126)” error has multiple potential causes and solutions.

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